E.4: 2 Weeks for a Total God Shift in Your Life
Get the Podcast Playbook, to accompany the podcast here. Filled with devotionals, checklists, questionnaires and more:
In this episode you will learn:
Financial breakthrough in one easy step (number 3)
2 journal prompts that change everything (number 1)
Why changing your conditions takes the cake (number 5)
Episode length: 13:23
Do you remember that line in the intro to the TV show Friends: “It hasn't been your day, a week or even your year.” Well, sometimes in my twenties, I remember seeing that show again and thinking, “You mean it hasn't been my decade!” I was so disillusioned with my life and what I thought should be happening by then. But after another year, just like that, I realized something had to give. That's when I set out to make it change no matter what.
On today's podcast, we're gonna do a mindset overhaul so you can start right now moving toward those God's sized dreams in bite size chunks.
Hello and welcome to the podcast God sized dreams in bite size chunks. I'm your host, Angela Meer. So let's get ready to be energized, inspired and activated in our God size dreams.
Hello and welcome to another episode. Let's do a quick mental check in. How are you feeling? How much joy is at work in your life? How satisfied are you with your goals or what I like to call them, God dreams?
Everybody has a bit of a rough patch or even a rough decade now and then but I've been working on a few tools that I can put in my own tool belt for such a time as this. If you put these things to work as well, I think in about two weeks you'll start to see a total God shift in your life and who couldn't use that. So let's get started.
Do you remember that line in the intro to the TV show Friends: “It hasn't been your day, a week or even your year.” Well, sometimes in my twenties, I remember seeing that show again and thinking, “You mean it hasn't been my decade!” I was so disillusioned with my life and what I thought should be happening by then. But after another year, just like that, I realized something had to give. That's when I set out to make it change no matter what.
On today's podcast, we're gonna do a mindset overhaul so you can start right now moving toward those God's sized dreams in bite size chunks.
Hello and welcome to the podcast God sized dreams in bite size chunks. I'm your host, Angela Meer. So let's get ready to be energized, inspired and activated in our God size dreams.
Hello and welcome to another episode. Let's do a quick mental check in. How are you feeling? How much joy is at work in your life? How satisfied are you with your goals or what I like to call them, God dreams?
Everybody has a bit of a rough patch or even a rough decade now and then but I've been working on a few tools that I can put in my own tool belt for such a time as this. If you put these things to work as well, I think in about two weeks you'll start to see a total God shift in your life and who couldn't use that. So let's get started.
Abundant Life
In John 10:10 we're going to look at two very different mission statements in John 10:10. It says that the enemy come to steal, kill and destroy. But Jesus said, I have come to give you life and life abundant. See, there are two mission statements that are at work in your life if you're a Christian. One is that the enemy is trying to steal, kill and destroy from you. The other is that Jesus is trying to bring you life in life abundant. Now what do we do when it feels like Jesus isn't able to get through where he's knocking on the door and the devil this keeps trying to steal from you? Keep trying to destroy your life and keep trying to kill the dreams and hopes of your calling. Well, that's why it's so important that we really look into journaling. See, journaling helps us to slow down and see what's going on in our life. It helps us to kind of self take reflection and see what's going on inside of me. For one thing is that you do have a calling over your life out of John 10 10. See, Jesus does want you to have life and life abundant. And if that's not what's happening in your life right now,
I believe that the reason that you're on this podcast is because you have an invitation in front of you. It's golden embossed. It's beautiful stationery, and it's from Jesus right to you. And it says, This is your invitation. Is your invitation into the abundant life that Jesus wanted for you.
Now, abundant life doesn't mean that you're rich and you're blessed and everything always goes well. Like I said, there's another mission statement at work in a Christian's life, and that's the mission statement of the devil trying to get you. But this invitation, this Golden embossed invitation that God's giving to you for abundant life, it is available to you. Sometimes it just means that you have to choose to Look for the places in your life where Jesus is trying to bust through with abundant life and not Concentrate on all of those areas where the enemy is trying to steal.
So what I do is a journal, a journal and a journal and a journal any time that I am really coming up against roadblocks. Now, if you go to our website, you're gonna find our podcast playbook, and I want to take you through a guided journal entry to help you kind of process which areas of your life are feeling abundant in which areas of your life where the enemy is trying to get through. So go to the website at angelameer. com.
Journal the two mission statements at work in your life.
Slow Down Your Reading
Here is another tip. I always tell people, you know, we often read our Bible too fast or maybe even not at all. I'd like to invite you to consider even putting five minutes of Bible reading into your life, but maybe do it in a different way. Just slow it down. You know, we seem to ourselves that reading our Bible every day is an excellent, an excellent thing to have in our life, and it is but the verse doesn't say Read your Bible every day it says, Meditate on the Bible every day. Now I know that sounds early Eastern, a new age and that sort of thing. But meditation is all over in the Bible, and biblical meditation looks different from other types of meditation that we see in the world. Biblical meditation is just simply that slowing down and chewing things over its thinking about it deeply, it's letting it go into your spirit and do its work.
And if this is difficult for you, I just want you to pray a very simple prayer that simple per is this Holy Spirit. You're here to help me understand. So will you help me understand what the scripture is saying? Well, you not only helped me understand what the scripture is saying, but will you help me be transformed by the scripture? I know you want me to be transformed, and I know that Jesus came to give me abundant life. So I trust that as I read the scriptures, you are gonna bring illumination.
That is gonna be an awesome step forward in your God shift. So let's take a quick a quick break and we'll come right back for number three.
Podcast Playbook
Are you looking for more information to dream big with God? Perhaps you were interested in starting a business ministry or nonprofit. Hop on over to my website and get tons of free Resources including the podcast playbook. A workbook designed to accompany each of our podcasts. Find the free resource is at AngelaMeer.com. See you there.
Sow Away
Welcome Back to your two weeks turn around for a God shift. One of the other things you can think about doing is sowing into somebody's ministry. If finances have been a big reason why, it's hard for you to have abundant life that I really encourage you not just to do the 10% ties, but also to do an offering. And then offering could be as little as 50 cents, $5.50 dollars whatever you feel. But sometimes it feels really good to just give to somebody else's ministry without saying this is my 10%. You know this is my expected tithes because it says to bring the tithes and the offerings. And and so the offering sometimes can really unhook us from expectations of how the financial offerings were supposed to go. And it really helps us feel good so into somebody else's ministry.
Whether that's a ministry that is two women in crisis or a ministry to Children in Africa, I think you feel really good about causing yourself to be kind of unhooked from your finances and to realize that God is not stingy with you, and you get to be someone who gives into other people's lives.
Start Your God-Sized Dream
Number four. Maybe what you need for a two week God shift is to finally start your God dream. Now one of the things I do as a dream coach is I help people start their God dreams. I help them get going, and I help them grow their God dreams. One of the ways that you can do this is at our website. There's a thing called the Mustard Seed Academy. This is an online course that I take people through and show them how to grow their ministry, their business or their nonprofit, or even if they don't know what their gods sized Dream is so that's a great place or a great resource to start going on your God sized dream.
You see what happens with God's sized Dreams is that they encourage us and strengthen us to move forward in phase towards something that really feels like it has purpose, because sometimes we get stuck in the mundane you noticed the day to day, the day to day, whether you go to work every day or spend time with the kids every day. Or maybe you have different volunteer activities or clean the house. Whatever the mundane is, it's always a great idea to get outside of your comfort zone and move towards your purpose, callings and giftings.
Another way that you can do a shift towards a god a God rejuvenation is to slow down for some self care. Sometimes I noticed that I'm so busy in life that I really haven't taken care of myself the way that I need, and so I'll do something that really makes me feel good. Whether it's painting my own toenails or taking a bath or lighting some candles and eating a little bit of chocolate doesn't matter what it is. Sometimes I just need to slow down, take care of myself and make myself feel good. Because what happens? This life gets so busy, and when it gets busy, we get on the merry go round and we forget. Just take inventory of what's important and what gives us life. If you slow down for a bit and you take some inventory of what's going on gives you life.
You can start to pour more energy and more time into those things while you're at it, consider the things that aren't giving you life. What are the things that are really draining? You are the things that you can do to change those things again. Point at a journal for these types of things in these types of questions is super important.
Change Your Conditions
A final step and your two week turnaround for your God's eyes shift is to change your conditions. There's a verse in Revelations Chapter two versus four and five says this, but I have this against you. You have abandoned your first love. Therefore, remember, from which you have fallen, repent and do the work that you did it first. What the versus saying is that there was a time when your relationship with God was vibrant in the life. Maybe was when you first got saved. Maybe was when you were a kid. Maybe it was when you were going to summer camp and you were in junior high. Whenever it was. I want you to think back to win that type of experience that you had with the Lord existed that first love experience. You remember what your first love was like. You just can't wait to be with the Lord. You just can't wait to spend time with them. You can't wait to do things for him. You can't wait to hear what he has to stay in his word.
Go back and think about that and think to yourself What were the things that I was doing at that time? That really I can move back toward again.
If you start doing those things again, I can guarantee you a God shift does begin to happen in your life. Listen, this is our last one. But here's what I want to say to you these six tips that I just gave you. They are in the plate, the podcast playbook that you can find on my website. But The cool thing about it is that if you start to integrate maybe 1-2-3 or even all six of these in the next two weeks, I believe that you'll have a complete turnaround.
Your life is gonna feel like has joy again. You're gonna feel that abundant life that Jesus promised. You begin to pour into everything you do again who couldn't use a real boost of rejuvenation if you wanted to. We turn around for a god shift. I encourage you to try these tips. Make sure to catch the downloadable Journal prompt for the free podcast playbook AngelaMeer.com. This is Angela Meer helping you achieve God size dreams in bite sized chunks.