The DDH Club

I came to the end of myself. I was “D”esperate, “D”ependent, and “H”ungry for God.

We meet at 5:15 am PST Tuesdays

These years have been rough.

And I’m not alone. Whatever God is up to, has been some of the most stretching, challenging seasons of our lives.

One day, I came to our church to minister, and I just stood up there and cried. Collectively, our body started to cry out to God for the various injustices we had carried for the last few years. The DDH club was born that day.

It was born out of grief, that needed hope.

It was born out of pain, that needed healing.

It was born out of total surrender to our will, and a choice to become even more


Dependent and


for GOD.

We meet at a desperate hour - 5:15 am PST on Sundays. We pray, we cry, we share, and we laugh. And we find God in our desperation.

Sow a Seed

Featured videos

Previous DDH sessions

Day 1 - DDH: A vision of the season we are in, and the importance of King Solomon’s request of God

Featured song: Take My Hand and Walk, the Kry

Lyrics Here

Day 13- Major prophetic flow and a recap of what the journey has looked like so far. Great video for those needing to catch up with the angelic visitation that has been occurring this last weekend at FireHouse.

Find Video Here

The sermon that started it all.

Watch the sermon that started the DDH Club on Friday, October 7, 2022