What is your God-sized Dream Personality?
Take the quiz here!
Take the quiz and you will learn:
Which Bible Character are you most like?
Every character in the Bible had a God-sized dream. We can learn how these characters dealt with their hope in God, their future plans, and dreams, by examining their lives. Take the quiz and you will find the character you are most like.
Which resources will help you grow?
Knowing WHERE you are on a God-sized dreaming journey will help you find the right resources for this stage in your journey.
How do you take the next steps in your God-sized dream?
Sometimes, all you need is the next step, and everything starts moving again! You will learn how to take ACTION to move along in your God-sized dreams.
Start your quiz here:
Question 1:
When I am approached by others to take on a project, idea, ministry, or business, I will
A - Answer yes! I love to lead and build.
B - Am racked with guilt, fear, concern, or doubt. I may say yes, or I may say no.
C - Take time to pray and seek wisdom. I take on responsibility slowly and deliberately.
Question 2:
My biggest problem with God-sized dreams is:
A - I don’t follow through, or give up when things are hard.
B - I don’t have one.
C - Overthink it and get stagnated; rarely keep moving ahead.
Question 3:
Regarding a God-sized dream I:
A - Have so many, I don’t know where to start!
B - Know others have God-sized dreams but can’t see what my special gifts from God are.
C - often think about it, but it seems so far in the future that I just keep waiting for things to happen.
Question 4:
Regarding injustices in the world, like sex trafficking, and hunger, I:
A - Take mission trips, give, or do something in my local community to help.
B - I feel overwhelmed by the problem, and struggle to know how to help.
C - I pray about these things and they move me greatly, even to the point of action if the opportunity presents itself.
Question 5:
I wish I had more:
A - Dependability
B - Courage
C - Faith
Question 6:
Long-term, I see my God-sized dreams as:
A - Impacting a huge sphere of society, or a whole nation
B - A way to reach people I care about
C - Having great, deep impact on people that causes a ripple-effect in society
After recording your responses on a piece of paper, subscribe below to get:
Your God-sized Dream Personality Assessment
A God-Sized Dream Resource Kit for your next steps
An invitation to the God-Sized Dreaming Movement