6 Go-To Verses for Keeping on Track With Your Goals
Episode Length: 11 minutes
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When I was a kid, I was in Awanas, which gave prizes for memorizing verses. I sometimes wish there was an adult version of Awanas so I could still memorize verses. But thank God we now have Google and online Bibles.
On today's podcast. I'm going to pump… you… up with encouragement and, as always, these are tips that you can start right now so you can Move toward your God-sized dreams in bite-size chunks.
Hello and welcome to the podcast God-sized dreams in bite-sized chunks. I'm your host, Angela Meer. So let's get ready to be energized, inspired, and activated in our God-sized dreams.
Hello, and welcome to another episode. Are you one of those people who keep post-it notes around the house with encouraging Bible verses, or have you ever written with a dry-erase marker on your mirror so you can see it before you go to work?
I totally dig my encouraging go-to verses so I can stay on track with my goals, and I thought you might enjoy a new set of encouraging verses as well. So here, in no particular order, are my six go-to verses for staying on track was my goals.
Proverbs 16:3 Make plans
Number one, Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord, whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
You see, I was such a perfectionist back in the day that this verse is so helpful for me to remember that whatever I commit to the Lord, he is going to establish because he's willing and wanting to partner with me. Sometimes we think we have to hop this supernatural divine download about what our God dream is. But sometimes, it's also something that we want to do. And the Lord is wanting to partner with us. So when we commit what we're doing to the Lord, he establishes our plans.
2. 2 Peter 3:18 Grow Grace
Number two second, Peter 3:18 “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now into the day of eternity. Amen.
This Verse is so cool to me because it says to grow in grace and knowledge. We're growing in grace and knowledge of who God is and how he wants to operate in our life. You know, Jesus had something really similar spoken of Him. It says that Jesus grew in grace and favor with both God and man.
That means that Jesus didn't come to the Earth with a preset conditioning of how to be graceful. He came to earth and he grew just like we did. He grew in grace and favour with God and man.
So to me, this is an exciting, encouraging verse to remember that we're learning how to deal with people were learning how to get the favor of God in our life. We're learning all of these things, and we get to learn them. We're not required to just know them because Jesus also grew in them as well. And so because of that, it's so great to realize that we can give ourselves a lot of grace and say, You know what? That didn't really work so well for me. So let's try a different method. We get to grow in the grace and favor of the Lord Jesus Christ. And it is an awesome thing to be able to do to give ourselves a break and say, You know what? I'm growing, and I'm learning, and praise be to God.
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3. Proverbs 21:5
The plans of the diligent lead to profit. Proverbs 21:5
This was a good one for me because, a lot of times, diligence is not my friend. It really is a challenging thing to learn to be a stewarding person for our time. You know, stewarding our time may be more difficult than any other thing that we steward now. We also have to remember to steward our rest because we can get into kind of perfectionist cycles that don't encourage us to move forward. A lot of times, we need much more rest than we're giving ourselves. But if we're diligent to put our plans before, the Lord of were diligent to keep working on the things that God's giving us to do, the things that were excited about, the God-Sized dreams that are in your life; he is going to cause those things to lead to profit. And he really does cause them to be profitable not only financially, which is what we normally think of, but it also causes us to be profitable in our spiritual life.
You see, I think I have a secret, and that secret is this. I think a God-sized dream is actually one of the most profitable ways for us to grow in our spiritual walk. If we have a God-sized dream, it's forcing us out of our comfort zones, and it's forcing us to think and do things that we don't typically do.
And so God says dreams are really important for us to move towards, and if we're diligent about him, it's definitely going to lead to a profitable end.
4. Hebrews 10:35-36. Perseverance examples
“So do not throw away your confidence. It will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you'll receive what he has promised.”
This is really a cool verse. Do not throw away your confidence. What's that speaking about? To me, that speaks about the faith that we have as we’re moving forward and are God-sized dreams that God will reward us. And when we persevere in that, and we've done the will of God, we will receive the things that he has promised us. Sometimes the promises of God over our lives take a month, a year, five years, or 10 years. 20. Here, some promises of my life still haven't come to pass, but I know that he is faithful, and I will receive what he has promised me and the same thing for you.
I just want to pray over you right now because I feel like the Holy Spirit is wanting to say to you. God has a promise for you. So, God, I pray for people who are listening right now, and I ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ they’ll receive a big promise from you the next day that they will know is from you, and that they can be confident to move forward in that promise and to take little steps to make that promise come to pass so, they can have a God size dream in their life as well. I pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Get out in the world and tackle those God-sized dreams!
5. II Chronicles 15:7. Do not give up
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up for your work will be rewarded.”
This was a lot like the one we just read, but there's something in this verse that's a little bit different, and I really want to draw your attention to it. It says Be strong and do not give up. Ah, this little thing called courage that God consistently commands us to be courageous in the scriptures. Why is courageousness a command? I've never been able to get it until I began to realize that if I have promises over my life, I can put my faith there, and then I could become courageous.
Courage, and moving towards our God-sized dreams, whether we fail and we get back up or whether we don't even know how to begin, oftentimes being strong and taking steps forward, whatever those steps might be, are really the things that we need. I really want to encourage you to consider going and checking out Daily Grow, which will help you track your goals, answered prayers, devotionals for today, and more.
6. Psalms 21:4. Desires of your heart
Number six Psalms 21:4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
Oh, the desire of our heart. So often we think that our heart cannot produce any good thing, and because we think that, we don't realize that God wants to give us the desire of our heart, whether that desire is to have more kids, to get married, to have a God-sized dream, to build an orphanage, have your own home. Whatever your God-sized dream is, the desire of your heart makes God happy because you're moving towards something that says, means something. This is something that God wants to give me in my life, and God wants to make your plan succeed.
I hope you had fun. Today's in today's podcast, and I really think you're gonna like what I have in the podcast playbook. I have created bookmarks that had these verses on them. And best of all, you can color them. The next time you need an art break, your podcast playbook will be the place to be. Get yours free at angelameer.com and love and appreciate you all, and I'm sending you a big emoji heart until next time. This is Angela Meer helping you achieve God-sized dreams in bite-size chunks.
So remember:
Grow Grace
Make Plans
Perseverance examples
Do not give up
Desires of your heart