E.29: 6 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Today
For nearly a decade now, I’ve consumed almost everything I can on time management. I’ve purchased courses, attended webinars, and created spaces to make my time management dreams come true. I’ve done this for a very specific reason: Jesus says that if you faithful with little, you will be entrusted with much (Luke 16:10). And the truth is, I believe Jesus is coming back very soon, and I want to present myself to Him as someone who did not waste her time on earth, or squander the gifts and talents He has given me.
If you are in the same boat and ready to take the next few steps forward in getting your time management under God’s control, then I think you are going to be excited about these breathable, relaxing, and easy 6 ways to improve your time management today.
Hello. My name is Angela Meer and I am the Head Dreamer here at the podcast God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks. If you have been looking for a way to make your life count, build your dreams in practical ways, and develop the skills you need to go the long-haul, you’ve found the right place. I’m here to guide you with humor, inspiration, and authenticity. Welcome to God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks.

E.28: The 3 Best Secrets of God-Dream CEO’s
Some people call me multi-passionate, which is a nice word, but the truth is I feel called to every single thing I’m doing in my life. It took me a long time to get here, however, and it took me awhile to understand that there are certain perameteres that must be put in place in your life if you are stewarding a dream from God.
If you violate those parameters, or worse, never put them in place in the first place, you’ll never accomplish the very thing you’ve been called to do.
Today, I’m going to give you my heard-earned secrets at being my own God-dream CEO, so that you too can go after the dreams God has placed in your heart.
Hello. My name is Angela Meer and I am the Head Dreamer here at the podcast God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks. If you have been looking for a way to make your life count, build your dreams in practical ways, and develop the skills you need to go the long-haul, you’ve found the right place. I’m here to guide you with humor, inspiration, and authenticity. Welcome to God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks.

E.27: God Unplugged Me From Social Media in 3 Stages
Sometimes God whispers. And in today’s podcast, I want to show you how God whispered to me about my social media habits. This was not an area of sin in my life, it was simply an area where I did not feel fulfilled. But it took me listening to God’s whispers to help change that.
If you are not sure when God whispers to you, I hope you enjoy today’s podcast. I’m going to show you how God’s whispers were risky yet faith-filled as I began to unplug from social media.
Hello. My name is Angela Meer and I am the Head Dreamer here at the podcast God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks. If you have been looking for a way to make your life count, build your dreams in practical ways, and develop the skills you need to go the long-haul, you’ve found the right place. I’m here to guide you with humor, inspiration, and authenticity. Welcome to God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks.
As always thank you for tuning in and if this is especially impactful for you, please comment on our blog or review us in the podcast so that others can find these practical wisdom-filled strategies to help them excel in their walk with God.
I want to share with you a story that I hope will inspire you to begin to utilize the fruit of self-control in new ways that will effect your day-to-day life. When I first began to feel impressed by God to improve my time management it was because my use of social media was getting out of control. Perhaps you can relate. I would spend hours scrolling, commenting and engaging with people on social media and realize later that tons of time was being eaten up, and that there was an emptiness that came with the activity.

E.25: 4 Stages For When You Suffer an Overwhelming Defeat
The thing about God size dreams is they take you way, way, way out of your comfort zone because they promise you a reward that is better than staying where you are at.
On today's podcast, we're going to see why it's okay to wilt like a flower, but also trust that courage can still spring up as we lean on God. These are tips that you can start right now as you move toward those god size dreams in bite sized chunks.
Hello and welcome to the podcast God size dreams and bite size chunks. I'm your host, Angela Meer. So let's get ready to be energized, inspired and activated in our God size dreams.
Hello and welcome to another episode. When we talk about being brave, a few things come up: pictures of women like Rosa Parks, or the mom down the street that is battling breast cancer. Or the time your kid gave a speech, even though she was petrified.
But rarely, rarely do we see ourselves as brave, and even if we are, we don't acknowledge it. It's almost as if we require bravery from ourselves as an adult function, without recognizing how much of a milestone it really can be.
Sometimes with God size dreams were forced into positions that make us want to wilt and hope it never comes around again, whether it's a presentation, a speech, a networking event or even a controversial Facebook post. When we do brave things, we often shirk away and hope that there is no residual fallout from our out of the norm.
E.24 — New Quiz: A Quiz to Help You With Your God-Sized Dreams
Choose which quiz would help you the most at this time in your life:
Find out Your "God-Sized Dream" Personality
What Bible Character Most Resembles Your "God-Sized Dream?"
What is Your #1 Obstacle To Your God-Sized Dream?

E.22 — 3 Ways Disappointment Can Fill Us With Hope
Hello everyone and welcome back to our third season of God-Sized Dreams in Bite-Sized Chunks.
This podcast is dedicated to those of you who are going after your God-sized dreams, but sometimes need the little push that helps you stay on track. In this episode, I want to explore Disappointment and how disappointment is actually God’s way of teaching us about hope. So lets jump in.

E.21 — Apostolic Structures Vs. Pastoral Structures
For nearly all of Christendom, the church is operated on a pastoral model to conduct church. But as we move into the new epoch, God is highlighting the model he set up in Scripture as a revolutionary turnaround in order to make the church body an effective agent in the earth again. In this episode of God's strategy room, I'm going to take you into the biblical model as theory and then show you how the apostolic model works in practice. You're going to come out of this episode with a real hunger to see God's strategy for church being implemented in the earth.
I'm really excited because apostolic structures versus pastoral structures is a real important thing that God's bringing to the Earth right now. And I just want to talk to you about the differences between the two, and what happens in the body of Christ, when you are under one structure or the other structure.

E.20 — The Rooms of Strategy
In part one called the room of curiosities, I take you into the rooms of heaven that revealed God's strategies. In this episode, we will talk about why it's important for God's people to understand how the kingdom of God works and what were the two other doors that God had me explore in the seer vision. Welcome to God's strategy room.
As we move into the new epoch in Christianity, God is releasing Kingdom strategies and blueprints. Join us as we dive deep into God's strategy room to discover the wisdom of heaven for the transformation of cities. I'm your host, Angela Meer. I am the apostolic lead for firehouse, a center for city wide transformation in Southern Oregon. Let's jump into this week's episode.
Hi, and welcome back to God's strategy room. On the first episode, like I said, called "The Room of Curiosities" I took you into a room to kind of show you in the Spirit how the Lord utilizes our questions as strategy and why teaching is so important in our understanding of God's strategy being revealed on the earth.

E.18 — 5 Steps to City Transformation
City wide transformation has been coming out of God's strategy room for quite a while. But it's only been in the last few months that I've seen the blueprints of heaven begin to be released for how to build. If your heart burns to see God transform whole cities, it doesn't take a lot of steps to see it happen. God is looking for the pioneers and visionaries who have the guts to step into large scale transformations of cities. And on today's podcast, we're going to dive into some practical things you can do today to see your city transformed.
I want to talk with you a little bit today about city transformation. You see, there's so much push in in the spirit right now for God to see people raising up who want to see their whole city transformed, whatever city that you're building in, if it's your local, regional city, or if you're getting ready to move to a city that God's sending you to, there's some steps that you can take to begin to see city transformation, so that the kingdom of God has been released in your city in every possible way.

E.15 What is God’s Strategy Room and How to Access It
What is God's strategy room?
And how do you access it? multiple times I've had a vision of God's strategy room in the heavenlies. Each time I see it, I leave knowing that God is working out and then nificent plan on Earth. But recently, things have changed. He has begin incorporating me into some of his top secret level 10 clearance strategies for what he is doing on the earth. In this episode, we are going to learn more about God's strategy room and help every believer you and me and everyone walking with the Lord today can access this room and gets God's secrets for Kingdom expansion on the earth. Let's rock and roll. As we move into the new epoch in Christianity, God is releasing Kingdom strategies
and blueprints. Join us
as we dive deep into God's strategy room to discover the wisdom of heaven for the transformation of cities. I'm your host, Angela Meer. I am the episode lead for firehouse, a center for citywide transformation in Southern Oregon. Let's jump into this week's episode. Hi, and welcome to another episode of God's strategy room. I'm so excited to share with you in today's podcasts because I want to break down for you kind of the heart and the reason why I even started this podcast in the first place. And that is that I began to realize that God was showing me secrets from his strategy room as we were moving into this new epoch. what he was doing was he was showing me how often he is cutting away some old patterns and old ways of being in the earth. But also he is embracing sons and daughters into a place of strategy, so that we can begin to move
into the heart of culture

5 Ways to Shift the First Hour of Your Morning
Here’s the thing, dreamers…
We make it so difficult. Like it’s math or something. Like there is an algorithm we need to figure out. Or, we think, I didn’t have great parents, so I’m behind others in dreaming about my life. That’s why I don’t have a dream.
It’s not true. Simply, not true.
So here it is:

E.12: 4 Times I Needed Leaders, Not Friends
When is the last time you bowled? I know stinky rented shoes, kids, birthday parties and bad nachos is what comes to mind for me, too. But bowling is the ideal picture of what leadership can mean for your life.
On today's podcast this bowling analogy is going to bowl you right over. Sorry, it's a bad joke, but we are going to get gritty and maybe even a little loud. These are tips that you could start right now so you can move toward those gods size dreams in bite size chunks.
Hello and welcome to the podcast God size dreams in bite size chunks. I'm your host, Angela Meer. So let's get ready to be energized, inspired and activated in our God size dreams.
Hello and welcome to another episode. Bowling is actually one of my favorite things to do, but I only go a few times each decade. Why is that? Well, it's just not one of those hobbies that I indulge in often, but as an analogy that actually works perfect. Because today I'm going to chat with you about four times I needed leaders and not friends.
We need leaders often times to really help us course correct with our God-size dreams and friends often aren't really the person that we need to go to when that needs to happen.
So just like bowling, you may only go a few times each decade. But when it happened when you go, it's supposed to be really impactful. So let's get this framed up.

6 Go-To Verses for Keeping on Track With Your Goals
When I was a kid, I was in Awanas, which gave prizes from memorizing verses. I sometimes wish there's an adult version of Awanas so I could still memorize verses. But thank God we now have Google and online Bibles.
On today's podcast. I'm going to pump… you… up with encouragements and, as always, these are tips that you can start right now so you can Move toward your God size dreams in bite size chunks.
Hello and welcome to another episode. Are you one of those people who keep post-it notes around the house with encouraging Bible verses or have you ever written with a dry erase marker on your mirror so you can see it before you go to work?
I totally dig my encouraging go to versus so I can stay on track with my goals, and I thought you might enjoy a new set of encouraging verses as well. So here, in no particular order, are my six co two verses for staying on track was my goals.

E.9: What to Do with God’s Interruptions
Corona virus just took the world by storm. In my lifetime, I've never seen such a disruptive event to everything that we have known. It really made me stop and think, What do we do in life when hit with interruptions?
On today's podcast, we're going to shift gears and see how interruptions can really move us into hyper drive. As always, these are tips that you could start right now seek a move toward those God size dreams in bite sized chunks.
Hello and welcome to the podcast God size dreams in bite size chunks. I'm your host, Angela Meer. So let's get ready to be energized, inspired and activated in our God size dreams.
Hello and welcome to another episode. Coronavirus was really what many called the divine pause, or resets. It reminded me a lot of the Psalms when David would use the word Selah in his passages. This was a musical term that means to pause, stop and contemplate, and almost every one of us did. Family life took on new meaning, reading, and the Facebook memes had me rolling on the floor for hearty belly laughs.
But it was also very challenging. People lost their lives. Our security was threatened, our churches were closed. I'm an introvert. And even I found myself longing for more company than just my husband and two cats. What used to be a quick dash into the grocery store became lingering in the noodle just to hear the funny conversation between senior citizens in the next aisle. But I began to see God's interruptions other than tragic, frustrating or boring.

E.5: How to Overcome Roadblocks
Hey, hey, hey. I hope you're doing awesome today. But just in case you were feeling some big bumps under the car called “Your Life,” I wanted to swing by and chat with you about the power and upgrades that come to our spiritual lives, when we choose to overcome those roadblocks.
On today's podcast, we're gonna use those roadblocks as a way to energize our way forward so you can move toward those God-sized dreams in bite size chunks.
Hello and welcome to the podcast God size dreams and bite size chunks. I'm your host, Angela Meer. So let's get ready to be energized, inspired and activated in our God size dreams.
Hello and welcome to another episode. Road Blacks. It used to put a sour note in my stomach until I started to see what would happen when I began to overcome my roadblocks. So we're going to challenge our thinking today. We can’t let the devil mess us up every time he throws a little wrench in our way.

How to Find Your Tribe
Loneliness is a huge problem in today's world, and rarely do we meet people that we can say this person is definitely my tribe. But once we find that one person, finding enough people to make a whole tribe could be like moving mountains. On today's podcast, I'm gonna take you through a few quick steps that you could start right now to build a god tribe in your life. And you could move toward these gods size dreams in bite sized chunks.
Hello, Thanks for joining in on the show today. Woo God, tribes. We all want them, but yet they could be so elusive. And if you've been praying for your tribe for a long time, but it hasn't happened yet, don't lose heart. What I've got for you today is a few pointers along the way so you can build a God tribe for the long haul and at the end, make sure you pick up the podcast playbook at AngelaMeer.com. In that play book, you're gonna find a checklist to help you create your God tribe. Okay, let's jump in Number one.

9 Ways to Become More Productive and Motivated
For a long time, I lived under constant shame that I didn't have an effective morning routine. Maybe you can relate? Or ways to get my goals met in my free time, or a way to push my relationship with God forward past the mundane day to day. All that would do is cripple me, render me ineffective and melt my productivity into a big old pile of nothing. Perhaps you can relate?
On today's podcast, I'm gonna take you through 9 hacks to efficiency that you can start right now so you can move toward those God size dreams in bite size chunks.
Hello and welcome to the podcast, “God-sized dreams in bite-size chunks. I'm your host, Angela Meer. So let's get ready to be energized, inspired and activated in our God size dreams.
Hello, I'm so thrilled to get you going on today's podcast because this information truly can revolutionize your day so that you feel like a superhero when it's all said and done. You know that pillow feeling you get when you lay down to bed and your day was super effective? These hacks will make you feel that way all the time and they're really not that hard to do. So, let's dive in.