How to Find Your Tribe
Episode Length: 11 minutes
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Loneliness is a huge problem in today's world and rarely do we meet people that we can say this person is definitely my tribe. But once we find that one friend, finding enough people to make a whole tribe could be like moving mountains. On today's podcast, I'm gonna take you through a few quick steps that you could start right now to build a god tribe in your life. And you could move toward these God-sized dreams in bite-sized chunks.
Hello, Thanks for joining in on the show today. Woo God, tribes. We all want them, but yet they could be so elusive. And if you've been praying for your tribe for a long time, but it hasn't happened yet, don't lose heart. What I've got for you today is a few pointers along the way so you can build a God tribe for the long haul, and at the end, make sure you pick up the podcast playbook at In that playbook, you're gonna find a checklist to help you create your God tribe. Okay, let's jump in Number one.
Use the podcast player button above to listen, or read the blog beneath:
Why God is already answering your prayers for a God-tribe (number 4), so you can say I found my people!
Difference between friends and best friends
How Jesus taught me to keep on praying
Loneliness is a huge problem in today's world and rarely do we meet people that we can say this person is definitely my tribe. But once we find that one person, finding enough people to make a whole tribe could be like moving mountains. On today's podcast, I'm gonna take you through a few quick steps that you could start right now to build a god tribe in your life. And you could move toward these gods size dreams in bite-sized chunks.
Hello, Thanks for joining in on the show today. Woo God, tribes. We all want them, but yet they could be so elusive. And if you've been praying for your tribe for a long time, but it hasn't happened yet, don't lose heart. What I've got for you today is a few pointers along the way so you can build a God tribe for the long haul, and at the end, make sure you pick up the podcast playbook at In that playbook, you're gonna find a checklist to help you create your God tribe. Okay, let's jump in Number one.
Difference between friends and best friends
Put aside “best friend” considerations. Did we think a tribe is a group of people we can have lunch with on Saturday afternoons while the kids play at the park? Or a double date at a swanky restaurant on Saturday nights? But my God tribe wasn't handpicked by me. I let God do the picking. One of my first gal pals who became a part of my God tribe is 20 years older than me, single, and has a totally different background. But what God quickly pointed out to me was that I needed her perspective for the calling that is in my life. I needed her ideas in the way that she processes the world as a counterpoint to my own ideas. And let me tell you, we have such rich conversations. We go deep, deep, deep, way deep. God can choose somebody of a different race, with or without kids, someone who is a grandma or an 18-year-old. He may pick someone of a different socioeconomic background or someone who is much more or less educated than you. So let God pick your tribe not based on best friend considerations but because he knows the gifts in your life that you need and not necessarily the gifts that you want.
Find your God-Tribe at
I found my people!
Number two. Understand the different roles people may play. Every once in a while, I come across people who think that they need their God tribe people to be exactly like them. And what we really want to do is celebrate the differences in each of our people in the God tribes. So, for instance, I have a friend who is a blast to hang out with. She's the person I go to when I really want to go out and see a movie, really have a good time cooking dinner together, really have a good time just hanging out and maybe eating some chocolate. But she's not so great for long-term, very deep conversations. She tends to be kind of more on the fun side, and I don't really require anything from her other than, hey, she's a great friend to have around when I really want to have a good time. Conversely, I have other friends who are super spiritual, and if I am in a bind, I really run to them for spiritual advice or counsel. They're not necessarily the same people that I'd go to if I want to see a movie, though, or maybe it's, you know, just wanting to have some popcorn and hang out. Netflix and Chill.
These are two people who have totally different relationships, and that's the thing you want in your God tribe. You want people who have different strengths, and you can go to that different ones for different purposes. So whether it's someone that you need a deep conversation, whether you need to go really have a good time, or maybe you really want to have somebody that can help you counsel through something about your business or your ministry, it's always important to remember that people played different roles in your life. You can't expect them to play all the roles. That's why you need a tribe. So understand what people's strengths are and know what you needed any given moment so that you can go to the right person in your tribe.
Finding my tribe in life
Okay, we're back. Number three. Don't let betrayal ruin other relationships, you know, oftentimes we tend to say to ourselves. Well, that person is friends with so and so, and that person really hurt me. So I don't want to be friends with this other person anymore, or we just are hurt by people in general. And so we put up these giant walls, and that betrayal can really ruin our openness to other relationships. If you've been betrayed, believe me, I understand this whole past year I have spent having to learn how to overcome betrayal. It's not an easy one. It's been one of the more difficult journeys I've had to walk in my Christian walk, and it's very, very painful. But just because someone betrayed you, I really want to encourage you to go back to the Lord with your heart issues and ask him to kill it as quickly as possible because you need other relationships to step in, especially when you're feeling betrayed.
People can really help you solve the problems in your heart if you're feeling kind of betrayed. So I asked the Lord to really go after that place, and you you'll find that it's going to be really, really helpful. And if you go to get your podcast playbook for this one, you're really going to see a lot of help on how to handle betrayal.
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Number four. Don't prejudge what someone can offer you. You know, um, sometimes we think we need someone who's older or wiser or vice versa. We think someone we can mentor, but what God tribes do is flatten the playing field. You could be getting good advice from a new Christian or find yourself listening to somebody who doesn't understand your generation. But wisdom is wisdom. God used a donkey to speak to Balaam. Um, and God will use anyone at all to be part of your God tribe, so don't prejudge what they can offer you. You'll find that it's really awesome when you allow a new Christian to speak into something in your life. Or maybe a seasoned veteran who doesn't understand your generation at all. But we can talk about her own generation in a way that relates to yours. Be open to what God wants to do, and don't prejudge what people can offer you.
Keep on Praying
And you know this is the real key. Keep on praying. You know, there are so many parables in the New Testament where Jesus is that perseverance is the key to prayer. Sometimes with God tribes, it takes a little bit of time, and sometimes, maybe because you're healing from the sting of other relationships or betrayals, and sometimes It's just because you just can't seem to find or connect. People who have the same value systems as you. But if you keep on praying, I promise that God's going to meet you. He's gonna answer that call and the desire of your heart because God's tribes are so important for us to move forward in our God-sized dreams.
See, God loves dreams, we need God tribes because the tribe is the one that you go to when your God-sized dream has just become too difficult. You see, God sized dreams and your God tribe really need to go hand in hand.
So as you move towards your God-sized dream, a lot of times, God will bring your God tribe. So keep on prying. Keep on moving towards your God-sized dreams, keep taking steps forward and faith, and keep doing things like coming back to this podcast, where you can be inspired and encouraged to move forward and actionable bite-sized chunks.
You know these tips are really going to shift your loneliness into a solid God tribe, so be patient in your prayers. God will bring you the right people, the right church, or the right ministry. Make sure to catch the downloadable God tribe checklist at This is Angela Meer helping you achieve God-sized dreams in bite-sized chunks.
So remember:
I found my people
Finding my tribe
Keep on praying
Difference between friends and best friends